Monday, March 26, 2007

Day 26 - Tiles for America

Everytime I would go to NYC, there was one place I would always visit for certain... the World Trade Center Observation Deck. We would stand with our foreheads pressed to the window and stare down to the streets far, far below. And to complete our trip we would have to make a stop at the gift shop to buy an overpriced trinket.

But now, all thats left of the Trade Centers are memorials like Tiles For America to visit.

I know this post has a lot of pictures but I couldn't decide which ones to use. (I have about 20 more I chose not to use.) I'm really happy with how these shots came out.


Sher Johnson said...

these gave me goosebumps :(

Tanya said...

I got chills too. So heartbreaking. Thanks for sharing your trip to NY

Maggie said...

These brought tears to my eyes! Especially the 3 year old on the plane. For some reason I never thought we lost children in this tragedy.

I'm glad you didn't just pic could you? They are all meaningful.

Jess said...
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Jess said...

I'm sitting here bawling--like Maggie said, the tile for the 3-year-old on the plane really got to me. Amazing photographs!

~M said...

It gave me goosebumps too! I've seen this many times :(

~ Natalie~ said...

These are awesome. I also have chills and my eyes immediately welled with tears. Thank you so much for sharing these.

amy said...

The one about the 3 year old got me too. So very sad...

Laura said...

I am teared up too. They are all heartbreaking, but the 3 year old one is beyond devastating. :(

Heather said...

Your pictures gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. Like Maggie, the one about the 3 year old got to me especially. (((HUGS))) Thank you for sharing those.

Anonymous said...

Wow: These are amazing shots. Very Moving: brings that day back to the present.

Amanda said...

that gave me goosebums... and made me cry. you did such a great job capturing the beauty of that memorial. wow.

Amanda said...

Wow, I too cried and got goosebumps. I have never seen or heard of those tiles before. Wow

Excellent pictures, you truly captured the moment.